- Attendance Boundaries
- Boys and Girls Club
- California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)
- Common Sense Media
- CVMS Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
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CVMS Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
CVMS Student Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures (printable doc link)
CVMS Student Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
Student safety is our primary concern! Parents who drive onto campus to drop-off/pick-up students should follow these procedures to ensure the safety of all students.
Parents should enter the parking lot from Mykonos Lane. Upon entering the lot, you may use either lane for drop off. Be aware and cautious of students and pedestrians at all times. Pull forward as far as possible before stopping, and do not let students out of your vehicle until you have passed the second pedestrian walkway. There are signs marking where student drop off/pick up begins and ends. This will prevent traffic congestion. The student unloading/loading zone extends from the Administration office to the gym.
When dropping off students please make sure they are prepared to exit the car quickly to avoid delays. Having students sit on the passenger side of the car for drop off with their backpack and belongings readily available will expedite the process.
After leaving the student loading zone, please drive forward and exit down the hill past the field onto Mykonos Lane. The lane closest to the school can use the farthest exit while the outside lane can use the second to last exit. Turning down the first lane is not permitted as this backs traffic up onto Mykonos Lane and is not any faster in helping you get out of the parking lot. **This row is for CVMS Staff Parking only during the school day.
Drop-off: We recommend dropping off before 8:15 a.m. in the morning as traffic becomes congested after 8:15 am, and this will help to keep traffic flowing.
We do share our parking lot with a Montessori Preschool at the Boys and Girls Club. Please be very cautious and drive slowly as you are exiting, looking for pedestrians who may be crossing with small children and cars that are parking or backing out in the last row. We appreciate you being courteous to our neighbor families.
DO NOT BLOCK LEFT LANE: You are allowed to pull into the right lane and wait for your child, as long as you pull up as far as possible. Please DO NOT BLOCK THE LEFT LANE AT ANY TIME before the dismissal bell rings as we share our parking lot with the Boys & Girls Club and Montessori Pre-School and parents need to get through to pick up their toddlers. Please help us to be neighborly!
Parking is limited, so we suggest for pick up you do not enter campus until school has ended after 3:05 pm. If you are in the parking lot before 3:05, please find an open parking spot. For 0 period and ISPE parents with early release, we ask that you enter the parking lot after 12:40 pm on Monday - Wednesday, and after 12:30 pm on Thursday and Friday.
For 0 Period and ISPE parents: When you are picking up students at the 12:40/12:30 release time, please remember - Do not block the left lane. The Montessori Preschool has a midday release time for some children as well, so the families need to be able to get through and park to get their children. We ask you to wait in the right hand lane, or if it is full, to pull in and either find a parking space or wait in your car near the field. Again, the best way to avoid blocking the lanes is to wait until after the bell rings to enter the parking lot as well as making sure your student is waiting for you when you arrive. We appreciate you cooperating for our neighbors.
Driving on Mykonos Lane:
Obey traffic laws – Do NOT stop in the bike lanes on public roads around CVMS. When you are coming up Mykonos Lane to the school, do NOT cross the double yellow line until you reach the top of the hill and the line ends. Once the double yellow line ends at the traffic circle at the top of Mykonos, we do want you to split into two lines coming into the school’s driveway. This helps traffic flow more quickly up the hill and moves cars off of the streets below the school.
U-Turns at the top of Mykonos are not allowed during drop off and pick up times. Waiting in the circle in the red fire lane is also not allowed.
Do not drive over the double yellow lines to pass traffic - This is hazardous and illegal. Violators may be ticketed!
Do not load or unload passengers while in the roadway - This has been happening more frequently and is extremely dangerous for you and your child. Drive into the parking lot for safe unloading and loading of students. Violators may be ticketed! It takes just a little extra patience for you and your child to wait until you are in the parking lot for drop off/pick up, but can avoid a dangerous situation for our students.
Carmel Creek Road - Do not stop at anytime in the pedestrian walkway or in the bike lane! This is illegal and you may be ticketed! Stopping to drop off or pick up students and then re-entering traffic is very dangerous especially during peak traffic times. This creates a safety hazard for students crossing the road.
Carmel Country Road - Do not stop at anytime where posted “No parking anytime” or in the bike lane! This is illegal and you may be ticketed! Stopping to drop off or pick up students and then re-entering traffic is very dangerous especially during peak traffic times.
Other ways to help reduce the traffic and frustration:
· Drop your student off a few blocks away to reduce the amount of cars. There are many pathways to our campus from the surrounding streets including Carmel Country Road and Townsgate Dr. The best way to avoid the traffic build up on our campus is to avoid driving on to our campus.
· Carpool! This helps reduce the number of cars driving into our parking lot, and helps encourage collaboration among parents!
· Ride Bus- Certain neighborhoods south of the 56 do have a bus for students, but you must sign up through SDUHSD transportation.
· Have your student ride his or her bike/skateboard to school during good weather. Students should park their bikes/skateboards in the bike rack ONLY and WEAR A HELMET! REMEMBER TO LOCK YOUR BIKE/SKATEBOARD in the rack area to prevent your bike/skateboard from being stolen. The school is NOT responsible for stolen bikes or skateboards!
Vehicles left unattended in the passenger loading zone or waiting area will be ticketed and/or towed. Parking and leaving an unattended vehicle is NOT allowed in the red zone fire lanes at any time per direction of the fire department and law enforcement.
Students who ride bikes or skateboards should always wear a helmet and should be courteous and cautious of those walking. Students walking or riding a bike should cross Carmel Country at the light and Carmel Creek at the stop sign. Students riding their bikes should use extra caution when driving down Mykonos Lane. They can carefully use the sidewalk, and should avoid riding between the parked cars and the roadway.
“NO” roller blades or scooters allowed on campus! They will be confiscated and returned to parents.
Student reminder: The school office is NOT a walk through. Please enter at the east or west side entrances of campus. Thank you!
Thank You for your cooperation, patience and for understanding the importance of providing a safe environment for all students, staff, and parents here at CVMS!